24 Haziran 2015 Çarşamba

Yönlendirilmiş Özgüven

Bazı özgüveni düşük insanlar bu eksikliği tamamlamak için farklı bir alanda kendini göstermek ister. Bu şekilde o eksikliği tamamladıkları hissine kapılırlar ama karşı taraf açısından durumun acımsanacak bir görünüm sergilediğinin farkında değiller. İnsan kendisini bilse, insan olduğunun bilincinde olsa, özgüven ile ilgili sorunu olmaz sanıyorum.
Çok iyi satranç oynayan biri gerçekten hobi olarak bunu sevdiği için öğrenmiş olabilir yada sadece satrançta iyi olduğunu diğer tüm konularda vasat olduğunu düşündüğü için buna yönelmiş olabilir, zira taktir edileceğini düşündüğü tek konu budur.
Bu hususta özellikle çocukları dikkatli gözlemlemek gerekir. Özgüveni doğru şekilde öğretemezsek, ilerleyen yaşlarda çocuğumuzun aslında sahip olduğunu düşündüğümüz güvene sahip olmadığını görürüz.

16 Haziran 2015 Salı

TRJet kuruldu

Sierra Nevada Corporation Forms New Turkish Subsidiary, TRJet,

to Produce Country’s First Regional Jet

Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC), a United States-based aerospace and aviation systems company, announces the formation of its newest wholly-owned subsidiary, TRJet Havacilik Teknolojileri Anonim Şirketi (TRJet). The announcement at the Paris Air Show follows SNC’s May 27, 2015 signing of a Memorandum of Understanding involving the Savunma Teknolojileri Mühendislik ve Ticaret A.S. (STM) in support of the Turkish Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs & Communications to produce the country’s first regional jet as part of its Regional Aircraft Project.   
A Turkish corporation, TRJet will be based in Ankara, Turkey, and will serve the Regional Aircraft Project as well as the commercial aviation sector. The newly launched Regional Aircraft Project utilizes the TRJ328™ aircraft, a modernized version of the Dornier 328 (D328), as a first step toward production of Turkey’s first domestically-built passenger aircraft, theTRJ628™. The TRJet subsidiary will ultimately produce and sell the TRJ328, as well as other variants, and will play an essential role in making Turkey’s first indigenous passenger aircraft a reality.
TRJet will combine the legacy of two esteemed aviation companies, SNC and328 Support Services GmbH (328 SSG), to create an aviation and aerospace company that merges modern-edge German aircraft engineering and the latest industry modification standards. The Turkish government will capitalize on this technology, and on Dornier’s legacy of innovation dating back to the start of commercial aviation, to support the growth of Turkey’s existing civil aviation industry, as well as to open the country to the global aviation market. The 328 is currently certified in 85 countries around the world, and is in use in many countries, including the U.S., Switzerland, Germany, U.K. and Denmark.
“We believe that the combination of technology, research, collaboration and decades of experience is the right recipe for TRJet’s future success in Turkey and around the globe,” said SNC President Eren Ozmen. “We are confident that TRJet, working with our partners in Turkey, and the commitment and support of those involved in the Turkish Regional Aircraft Project, will be successful in producing aircraft that changes the face of transportation in Turkey.”
SNC has pursued international ventures for much of its 50-plus-year history and the company has had business interests in Turkey for several years. SNC’s owners, President Eren Ozmen and CEO Fatih Ozmen, are of Turkish origin and the establishment of TRJet cements their interests in the Republic of Turkey as both Ozmens take leadership roles as directors in the newly-formed company. TRJet will not only be located in-country, but will employ Turkish workers and utilize local subcontractors and vendors, contributing significantly to the region’s economy while continuing to develop the Republic of Turkey’s burgeoning civil aviation industry.

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